
What Exactly Is Digital Marketing – And Why Can’t I Do It Myself?

digital marketing online marketing

By Noelle Graf

Content marketing, SEO, social media, PPC — the digital marketing landscape is vast and a little intimidating. Just like you wouldn’t head out on a cross-country road trip without GPS, you need to know what you’re up against when it comes to online marketing.

Digital marketing trends and strategies constantly evolve. If you own a start-up or a small to medium-sized business, you could spend all day trying to figure it out—but you didn’t start your business to become an online marketing expert. What you really need to do is focus your attention on growing your business.

So how can we help you?


Website Analysis

We start at square one with a good, hard look at your website from a marketing perspective. We’ll consider things like how many visitors your site gets, what devices they’re searching from, and what terms they’re searching for to get there.  Then we’ll help you laser focus on the purpose of your website, whether it’s e-commerce, sharing information or driving customers to take a specific action like booking an appointment.


Search Engine Optimization

Once we determine your website’s function, we can optimize it to achieve that goal. We do this with in-depth analysis that helps us determine which keywords are closely tied to your business, brand or industry. We’ll take a deeper look at the links that are pointing to your site from other websites to make sure they are helping your site rather than hurting it. We’ll also evaluate your website’s content to make sure it’s relevant and answering the search queries people are looking for that will lead them to your website, and then wrap a solid SEO strategy around it.


Content Marketing

Content has come a long way over the past few years, and it’s no longer just about blogging. It now includes visual media such as infographics and branded quotes and, of course, video. Whatever the medium, content marketing should be used to communicate the right messaging to your audience. Content marketing’s strategic approach relies on evergreen content to attract a targeted audience, establish industry expertise and, ultimately, drive conversions. It maintains relevance and works seamlessly with the rest of your integrated marketing strategy, providing SEO value, increasing domain authority and enhancing website value – making it a perfect long-term marketing investment.


Social Media Marketing

Thanks to the easy access to this area of digital marketing, many business owners think social media is the place to save a few bucks. Just like those famous Pinterest fails we’ve all seen, social media is not the place to DIY when you’re trying to gain social traction. We start with the most important step – choosing the right networks for your type of business and target audience. Then we’ll work with you to develop a social marketing strategy that will reach your fans by creating custom content they’ll want to engage with.


Pay-Per-Click Advertising

PPC ad campaigns are another way to drive traffic to your website, even with competitive keywords. Paid campaigns can also be tracked, measured and finessed to deliver the ROI you’re looking for.


Other Digital Marketing Channels

Don’t write off digital strategies like email and text marketing or even traditional marketing. A fully integrated marketing strategy could be the best thing you do for your brand.

Still have questions? Contact FORTHGEAR today!